A group of investors established Brown & Curtiss, what we know today as Cleveland Hardware & Forging. The group consisted of Leander McBride, Samuel E. Brown, and Clarence and Lucius Curtiss.
"Cleveland Hardware Co." was incorporated still continuing to supply sleigh and wagon hardware to the nation.
A new plant was opened on East 45th street (formerly known as Belden street), which would remain for over forty years.
Cleveland Hardware grew to over 200 employees.
A new plant was opened on 79th Street, where the current location of the plant stands today.
Cleveland Hardware became the near exclusive forging supplier for the "Tin-Lizzie" automobile thanks to taking an industry lead in converting to steel.
Charles E. Adams became head of the firm. This is also when Auto parts began turning into a significant portion of the company’s line of products.
Pint bottles of milk were sold among the plant, selling as many as 20,000 bottles of milk each month during the hot weather.
World War I begins, lasting over four years. During this time, a mock-up battlefield (shown above) was made to keep track of war advances.
For over 100 years we have handed out specialty engraved watches to employees for 20+ years of service. Even today the tradition continues.
Find out more about this 100+ year old pocketwatchA towing hook (P/N 2800-A) cost around $2.00. To put that into perspective, a pound of bacon was only 52 cents.
The Board of Directors changed the name to its current name of Cleveland Hardware & Forging Co.
World War II begins, lasting six years. Because of the men fighting in the war, many of the machines were operated by the women.
Cleveland Hardware's staff of almost 500 employees produced forgings for the automotive, truck, bus, farm equipment, and household appliance industries.
H.K. Porter bought Cleveland Hardware and ran it as their Cleveland division until the late 1960s. They combined the two plants into one at the East 79th street location. It was later bought by a group of investors and restored the Cleveland Hardware and Forging name.